8th National eGovernance Conference

Himachal Wins Two National eGovernance Awards 2005

Himachal Pradesh has been conferred the gold and silver icon awards for exemplary implementation of e-governance initiatives.
The golden icon award has been given for innovative operations and best practices in e-Vikas Project started in Una district under the new entrant category. The reference monitoring (REFNIC) software was nominated by the state government under the new entrant category of professional excellence and process re-engineering. However considering the vast range of its features, its efficiency for intra-government functioning and utility from the citizen’s perspective, it was decided by the jury to upgrade it to the professional category where it got the silver icon.

National eGovernance Awards 2005

Both the software packages have been developed by the National Informatics Centre, Himachal Pradesh State Centre in close coordination with the Department of Information Technology and the Deputy Commissioner, Una.

The golden icon award has been given for innovative operations and best practices in e-Vikas Project started in Una district under the new entrant category. The reference monitoring (REFNIC) software was nominated by the state government under the new entrant category of professional excellence and process re-engineering.
However considering the vast range of its features, its efficiency for intra-government functioning and utility from the citizen’s perspective, it was decided by the jury to upgrade it to the professional category where it got the silver icon.

National eGovernance Awards 2005

Both the software packages have been developed by the National Informatics Centre, Himachal Pradesh State Centre in close coordination with the Department of Information Technology and the Deputy Commissioner, Una.
The awards are presented by Union Minister of Information Technology on February 3 during the 8th National eGovernance Conference held at Bhubneshwa.
The REFNIC is the only file and paper tracking software of its kind in the entire country, which covers all aspects from receipt to dispatch not only within an office but also beyond it. The repetitive paper work is eliminated by sharing the data across the network.
Reminders are generated automatically in printed form as well as by e-mail and pop-up message on the screen.
The most salient feature of this software is that the status of any paper/ file can be seen by anyone on the internet and very soon on mobile devices. It is standard software which can be replicated in all government offices as it is built around the current procedure of dealing papers, policies, letters, rules and files while introducing some systematic changes through process engineering.

The e-vikas project piloted in Una district is a state-of-art interactive platform based on a touch screen, which gives information regarding works and beneficiaries under the watershed Development Programme, Indira Awas Yojna, Swaran Jayanti Rojgar Yojna and others schemes. Photographs show the under various schemes being executed. Other information such as census data, area maps, BPL families, panchyati Raj structure, etc, is also available on touch screen.

National eGovernance Awards 2005