Himachal Wins Two National eGovernance Awards 2009

Digital Gazette (eGazette http://rajpatrahimachal.nic.in/)
Bronze Icon for Excellence in Government Process Reengineering

The eGazette initiative of the Himachal Pradesh Government has won the Bronze Icon Award under Category I-Excellence in Government Process Reengineering in the National eGovernance Conference held in Goa on 12th and 13th of February 2008. The Awards were presented by the Hon’ble Governor of Goa, Sh. S.S. Sidhu and Sh. Rajesh Bahadur, State Informatics Officer, NIC Himachal Pradesh received the Award and Certificates on behalf of the State Government at Goa on 12th February 2009.

The Governor of Goa, Sh. S S Sidhu presenting the Award to SIO, NIC Himachal Pradesh while the Chief Minister of Goa, Sh. D V Kamat looks on

National eGovernance Awards 2009

Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, Controller of Printing & Stationery, SIO, NIC HP with the Award Winning Team members from State Departments and NIC

National eGovernance Awards 2009

The Digital Gazette project is the first of its kind in the India where the paper copies of the official Gazette have been discontinued from 1st of August 2007. The Gazette in digital and searchable format is available on http://rajpatrahimachal.nic.in/ No other Gazette in India is printed in digital format only

Besides converting the Gazette into digital form, the process has been decentralized as all departments send their notifications for publication through the SW interface only. The eGovernance initiative has resulted in huge cost savings to the State Government besides benefiting the citizens, lawyers, bankers, departments, employees as any Gazette notification issued after the cut-off date is available on the Internet in searchable format.

The eGazette is environment friendly too as its website shows the conservation of trees and water which are used by the paper manufacturing industry for paper manufacture.

The Department of Printing and Stationery has implemented the eGovernance project through NIC State Centre, Himachal Pradesh., who have developed the SW. The Department of Administrative Reforms, Himachal Pradesh has played a key role in bringing this major process change.

HP Police Web Portal (HIMPOL http://hppolice.nic.in)
Bronze Icon for Outstanding Performance in Citizen Centric Service Delivery

HIMPOL(Himachal Pradesh Police Web Portal) is a Web-based software that may be accessed globally. The software has been designed & developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Himachal Pradesh using latest technology. The major online services available on the portal include Online Complaints/Information/FIR, Online Traffic Challan System and Content Management System ( CMS ).

The Governor of Goa, Sh. SS Sidhu presenting the Award to IG, Himachal Pradesh Police & SIO, NIC Himachal Pradesh

National eGovernance Awards 2009

Team member of HP Police Web Portal Sh. Arun Sharma

National eGovernance Awards 2009

Team member of HP Police Web Portal Sh. Praveen Sharma from NIC

National eGovernance Awards 2009

Chief Minister, Chief Secretary and Director General Police, Himachal Pradesh, SIO, NIC HP with the Award Winning Team members from State Departments and NIC

National eGovernance Awards 2009

The major Administrative and Social impacts of the project are given below:

  • Impact on Working Culture in Police Department
  • Effective monitoring of police working
  • Transparency and efficiency in the working of Police
  • Reduction in the gap of registration and disposal of Complaint
  • Efficient delivery of government services to citizens
  • Helping in controlling Malpractice in Challan system
  • No Challans remain unattended
  • All FIRs records are now available online and tempering of FIR is not possible
  • Proper Content Management
  • Enhancing professional skills of the police personnel
  • Readymade information available for the queries under RTI Act
  • Availability of data for analysis of the trends in Complaint/Information
  • Paper minimization
  • Social Impact
  • Improved quality of public services
  • No geographical limitation as portal is globally accessible
  • Citizen Friendly Police
  • Simplification of Complaint/Information registration procedures
  • Fast disposal of Complaint/Information & optimal utilization of time
  • Ease of making payment of traffic Challans
  • Supporting Carbon-Credit policy of Government

Himachal Pradesh has been conferred a total of 9 National eGovernance Awards for various e-governance initiatives. This is the fifth year in a row that Himachal Pradesh has won these awards, since their institution by the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, Government of India in the year 2002. These awards are given in the National eGovernance Conference organised by the Department of Information Technology, GOI and DARPG, GOI in different States. This year the 12th National eGovernance Conference was held at Goa from 12-13 Feb 2009.
All the Award winning projects have been designed and developed by the National Informatics Centre, Himachal Pradesh.