Himachal Pradesh Wins Manthan and CSI Awards of Excellence 2013

Manthan and CSI Awards of Excellence 2013 for Himachal Pradesh

Manthan Asia Pacific and South Asia 2013 Award for HimBhoomi - Integrated Land Records Computerisation of Himachal Pradesh
The HimBhoomi initiative is an integrated solution for the land records, covering registration, land records, maps, lease cases, delivery of Jamabandi at Panchayat level through Citizen Service Centres (LokMitra). It has been a massive exercise over the last 20 years. Started as true replica of existing Record of Rights (RoR), it got integrated with the Registration process and thereafter, a number of Process Changes (reforms) have been affected in the recent years. Project details are at http://admis.hp.nic.in/hprevenue/

The Awards were presented in New Delhi on 6th December 2013 in a function presided over by Sh.Salman Khurshid, Union Minister for External Affairs. The NIC team of Dr. Saurabh Gupta, SIO Himachal Pradesh, Sh. Ajay Singh Chahal, Sr. Technical Director, Sh. Lalit Kapoor, Technical Director and Sh. Sandeep Sood, Scienist-D received the award.


CSI Nihilent Award of Excellence 2013 for the State of Himachal Pradesh

The State of Himachal Pradesh has been awarded the CSI Nihilent e-Governance Award of Excellence for the year 2012-13 for its eGovernance activities and citizen service delivery initiatives. ject details are at http://hppolice.nic.in

The Award was received by Sh. S.R. Mardi IPS, Additional Director General of Prisons, Government of Himachal Pradesh and Dr. Saurabh Gupta, State Informatics Officer, NIC Himachal Pradesh.

CSI Nihilent Award of Excellence 2013

CSI Nihilent Award of Excellence 2013 for the Inter-operable Criminal Justice System of Himachal Pradesh

The Interoperable Criminal Justice System has been designed and developed by NIC Himachal Pradesh for speedy Justice by facilitating the data-exchange between the Courts, Police, Jails and the Forensic Labs. To ensure standardization and replicability of the iCJS across the country, standard SW applications developed and implemented at the National level have been used at the core level.

The award was received by Sh. S.R. Mardi, IPS, ADGP Prisons HP Government, Dr. Saurabh Gupta, SIO NIC Himachal and Sh. Ajay Singh Chahal, Sr. Technical Director, NIC HP.

CSI Nihilent Award of Excellence 2013

Other Members of the Team from NIC Himachal Pradesh include, Sh. Sandeep Sood, Scientist-D, Sh. Sandeep Kumar, Scientist-C, Sh. C.L. Kashyap, Sh. Praveen Sharma, Scientific Officer, Sh. Prithvi Raj, Sh. Amit Kanaujia

Project details are at http://hphighcourt.nic.in http://hppolice.nic.in http://hpprisons.nic.in http://admis.hp.nic.in/himachal/home/Forensics/index.htm

The awards were presented by Sh. J. Satyanarayana, Secretary (DeitY) GoI and Professor S.V. Raghavan National President CSI & Scientific Secretary to Principal Scientific Advisor, Government of India in the 48th CSI Annual Convention at Visakhapatnam on 14th December 2013.