HP NIC Projects Won Manthan Asia Pacific & South Asia e-Governance Award 2014 & 6 Skoch Orders of Merit Awards 2014

Manthan Asia Pacific and South Asia 2014 Award for Jail Vaarta - Prisoner Video Conference with Relatives

Manthan Asia Pacific and South Asia 2014 Winner Award in E-Governance category has been conferred during the Manthan Awards ceremony at New Delhi on 04th December, 2014 to Jail Vaarta-Prisoner Video Conference with Relatives. Jail Vaarta enables prisoners and their relatives or visitors to interact visually with dignity through video conferencing. This, low cost, solution, having high impact among female users, uses NIC Vidyoportal software and PC with web cam connected to Internet for VC slot scheduling. Using this innovative and unique application, visitors/relatives can talk to the prisoner from their homes anywhere in the world. They don’t have to set up or install any local software for actual VC. The entire solution is provided online. The access could be directly from the home of a relative/visitor or from a LokMitra Kendra (Citizen Service Centre) which is located in any of the 3243 Gram Panchayats in the State and operational in about 2500 locations. The solution covers all 20 jails in the state.
Manthan Asia Pacific and South Asia 2014 Winner Award in E-Governance category for Jail Vaarta being received by Shri Ajay Singh Chahal (State Informatics Officer), Shri Sandeep Sood (Principal Systems Analyst) and Shri Prithvi Raj Negi (Assistant Programmer)

National eGovernance Award 2003 LokMitra

National eGovernance Award 2003 LokMitra

Skoch Orders of Merit Awards 2014 for 6 NIC Himachal Pradesh Projects

The Skoch Order of Merit-Digital Inclusion was conferred on 6 software Projects developed and implemented by NIC Himachal Pradesh. These Orders of Merit were conferred the Conference on Digital India during the 37th Skoch Summit (19th-20th September 2014) in India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The Orders of Merit were received by the NIC Himachal Pradesh team.

The following Projects have been conferred with the Skoch Order of Merit:

  • LokParman Patra
  • Manav Sampada (Human Resource Management System)
  • Inter-operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS)
  • eGazette
  • eSamadhan
  • Integrated Finance Management System (HimKosh)

Group Heads and Team Members with the SIO NIC HP and Skoch Orders of Merit
All the projects have been implemented below district level in all Districts of Himachal Pradesh and the technical support in training, feedback and implementation has been crucial to the successful implementation and running of these Projects over the years.

17th National eGovernance  Conference

17th National eGovernance Conference

A paper presented by NIC Himachal Pradesh has been published in the 17th National eGovernance Conference compendium on Case Study - Vision to Reality of Faster Dispensation of Justice through Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System by Dr. Saurabh Gupta, Shri Ajay Singh Chahal and Shri Sandeep Sood. The conference was held during 30th and 31st January 2014 at Kochi.

18th National eGovernance Conference

A paper presented by NIC Himachal Pradesh has been published in the 18th National eGovernance Conference compendium on Imapct of Industry Partnership in Service Delivery Channels of Land Records in Himachal Pradesh by Shri Ajay Singh Chahal, Shri Sandeep Sood and Shri Lalit Kapoor. The conference was held during 30th and 31st January 2015 at Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat.