Awards Won by NIC Himachal Pradesh in Year 2015

NIC Himachal Pradesh wins National eGovernance Award - Gold Icon for Integrated Online Hotel Reservation System (iOHRS)

NIC Himachal Pradesh Project titled "Integrated Online Hotels Reservation System" has been conferred with the Gold Icon National eGovernance Award under Category-X- “Innovative use of Information Communication Technology by State Government PSU/ Cooperatives/ Federations/ Societies” for the for the year 2015-16. The National eGovernance awards have been presented during the 19th National eGovernance Conference held at Nagpur during 21-22 January 2016. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Sh. Devendra Fadnavis presented the award to the winning team in the National Conference. Hon’ble Union Minister of Transport, Sh. Nitin Gadkari and Hon’ble Minister of Administrative Reforms, Dr. Jitendra Singh were present during the inaugural session of the Conference.

National eGovernance Award

National eGovernance Award

From Left to Right in Circle: Secretary (IT) Govt of Maharashtra, Sh. Sandeep Sood, Sh. Bhupinder Pathak, Sh. Chunni Lal, Ms Priyanka Basu Ingty, Director IT, HP, Sh. Devendra Fadnavis, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Sh. S.K. Chaudhary, Secretary, DARPG, GoI, Sh. Ajay Singh Chahal, SIO NIC HP, Sh. Sandeep Kumar, Sh. Gopal Sood, Manager IT HPTDC

National eGovernance Award

National eGovernance Award

Himachal Pradesh Team in the Conference, From Left to Right: Sh. Chunni Lal, Sh. Sandeep Kumar, Ms. Priyanka Basu Ingty, Sh. Ajay Singh Chahal, Sh. Gopal Sood, Sh. Sandeep Sood, Sh. Bhupender Pathak

National eGovernance Award

National eGovernance Award

The two papers, authored by NIC Himachal Pradesh officers, have been published in the Compendium of Papers of the 19th National eGovernance Conference. These are:

Title Authors
eGovernance in India-Time to Transform and Make it Participative Ajay Singh Chahal, Scientist-F and SIO HP
Sandeep Sood, Scientist-D, NIC HP Shimla
Lalit Kapoor, Scientist-E, NIC HP Shimla
Decade of e-Governance in Himachal Pradesh Transport Department-Toward Digital India and Way Ahead Bhupinder Pathak, Scientist-D and DIO Kangra
Pankaj Gupta, Scientist-D and DIO Shimla
Ajay Singh Chahal, Scientist-F and SIO HP

Himachal Pradesh ranked 2nd in Best Performing States during the Digital India Week in the Country and received Digital India e-Governance Award

The State Government added yet another feather in its e-Governance cap by winning the Award for its contribution during the Digital India Week held in July this year. Himachal Pradesh has been ranked 2nd among all States and Union Territories of India.The Awards have been presented on the Good Governance Day at New Delhi on December 28, 2015 by the Hon’ble Union Minister of Communication & Information Technology, Sh. Ravi Shankar Prasad. The Award was received by the ACS (IT), SIO (NIC) and officers of HP DIT and NIC HP. Every officer of these Departments was actively involved at State and District levels to make Digital India Week a success.

Digital India eGovernance Awards

Digital India eGovernance Awards

From left to Right: Dr. Ajay Kumar, Additional Secretary, DeitY, GoI & DG, NIC, Sh. Shailender Kaushal, SSA NIC HP, Sh. Ajay Singh Chahal, SIO NIC HP, Sh. Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon’ble Union Minister for Communication & IT, Sh. Rajeev Sharma, JD, HP DIT, Sh. Anil Semwal, DD, HP DIT and Sh. Sanjeev Gupta, Additional Chief Secretary (IT), HP Government

Digital India eGovernance Awards

Digital India eGovernance Awards

From left to Right: Dr. Ajay Kumar, Additional Secretary, DeitY, GoI & DG, NIC, Sh. Vijay Kumar, DIO Sirmaur, Sh. Pankaj Gupta, DIO Shimla, Sh. Yunus, ADC Shimla, Sh. Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon’ble Union Minister for Communication & IT, Sh. B.C. Badalia, Deputy Commissioner Sirmaur, Sh. Abhishek Jain, Deputy Commissioner Una and Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, DIO Una

Digital India eGovernance Awards

Digital India eGovernance Awards

The Digital India Week was celebrated in the country between July 1 to 7, 2015 and its main objective was to Inform, Educate and Engage with citizens through organization of events at large number of Digital Points of Presence such as Government offices, CSCs/ Post Offices, Blocks, Schools, Gram Panchayats etc. In Himachal Pradesh, a number of events were organised during this week and reporting was done through the online systems.

The Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh launched the Digital India Week by commissioning7services under the eDistrict Program which include registration of birth, death & marriage; issuance of Parivar Register etc. During this event, a Aadhaar Permanent Enrolment Centre was also inaugurated. Besides this,eVidhan and Mandi Tourism Mobile Apps, MyDiarY Mobile App were also launched. A workshop on Cyber Security was held and a number of awareness counters for citizens were set up throughout the State to inform about the electronic delivery of Government and other services. Quiz Competitions on e-Governance and IT were also held in schools. Dissemination of knowledge about e-Governance activities was done in Special Gram Sabhas being held during that period.

Digital Lockers of around 11,000 citizens were opened during this week through District Informatics Officers and LokMitraKendras, which is almost double the National average in percentage terms. All event photos and videos were uploaded on the portal and these have been evaluated by the DeitY, GoI for deciding the Best Performing States and Districts of the country. The Department of IT, Himachal Pradesh, National Informatics Centre, Himachal Pradesh and CSCs actively contributed during the DIW to create awareness among citizens about the various eGovernance aspects.

Three Districts of Sirmaur, Shimla and Una have also received the award for being best contributing Districts of Himachal Pradesh. The Deputy Commissioners/ADC and District Informatics Officers of NIC of respective Districts received these awards on the Good Governance Day.

CSI Nihilent eGovernance Awards for 2 NIC Himachal Pradesh Projects of HimKosh and HimBhoomi

CSI Nihilent

CSI Nihilent

Two NIC Himachal Pradesh projects, HimBhoomi-Integrated Land Records Computerisation and HimKosh-Integrated Finance Management System, have won the CSI Nihilent eGovernance 2015 Awards. These awards were presented by the President of the Computer Society of India, Prof. Bipin V. Mehta during the 50th Golden Jubilee Annual CSI Convention at New Delhi on 3rd December 2015. Sh. D.D. Sharma, IAS and Special Secretary (Finance, Revenue)-cum-Director Treasuries represented the Government of Himachal Pradesh during the Awards presentation ceremony.

CSI Nihilent

CSI Nihilent

The NIC Himachal Pradesh team was represented by Sh. Ajay Singh Chahal, State Informatics Officer, Sh. Lalit Kapoor, Technical Director, Sh. Sandeep Sood, Principal Systems Analyst, Sh. Vijay Kumar Gupta, PSA, Sh. Sanjay Kumar, PSA and Sh. Daljeet Singh Rana, Senior Systems Analyst. A total of 4 CSI-Nihilent eGovernance Awards have been won by NIC Himachal Pradesh projects during the years 2012-15. The HimBhoomi project started with the computerisation of Land Records in Himachal Pradesh being the true replica of existing Record of Rights (RoR) and it got integrated with the Registration process and thereafter, a number of Process Changes (reforms) have been affected in the recent years. The software has proved beneficial for the Department of Revenue, Citizens, Vigilance and for Land Planning purposes. A number of RoR (Jamabandi) copies are taken by the citizens daily through the Citizen Service Centres-LokMitra, set up in the Panchayats of the State.

CSI Nihilent

CSI Nihilent

The objective of HimKosh has been to provide an online Integrated Financial Management System by inter-linking receipt and expenditure data generated at treasuries and release of allocated fund by FD, HODs to their field functionaries with the basic objective of improving the Financial Reporting System. The entire Finance operations of all Departments are online, with data being re-used and all payments through online mode only. Mobile Apps to facilitate users have also been developed and are widely used by employees and pensioners alike. Both these software have been designed and developed by the National Informatics Centre, Himachal Pradesh and value additions done over the years. A number of new citizen and employee centric features have been added as per requirements and technology availability over the years.

Manthan Certificate of Recognition Award for NIC HP Project Swayayamsidham Education Portal
Certificate of Recognition for developing an online portal to enable teachers and students of Himachal Pradesh to access all relevant learning material has been recognised by the Grand Jury as Finalist for the Year - Manthan Awards 2015.

Manthan Award

Manthan Award

PCQuest Best IT Implementations of the Year 2016 - Best E-Gov Project Awards for 2 NIC Himachal Pradesh Projects of Schemes Monitoring Information System and Hot Dak Tracking System



Two NIC Himachal Pradesh Projects, Schemes Monitoring Information System and Hot Dak Tracking System have been conferred with the Best E-Gov Project Awards for the PCQuest Best IT Implementations of the Year 2016. The awards were presented during the 13th CIO Leadership Forum organized by Cyber Media(India) Ltd. at Hyderabad during 11th to 13th March 2016. Shri Akhilesh Bharati, District Informatics Officer, Mandi and Shri Vinod Garg, District Informatics Officer, Hamirpur represented NIC and received the respective awards.

Sh. Akhilesh Bharti, DIO Mandi , receiving the award on behalf of NIC Himachal Pradesh

Sh. Akhilesh Bharti, DIO Mandi , receiving the award on behalf of NIC Himachal Pradesh

Akhilesh Bharti DIO Mandi

Sh. Vinod Garg, DIO Hamirpur, receiving the award on behalf of NIC Himachal Pradesh

Sh. Vinod Garg, DIO Hamirpur, receiving the award on behalf of NIC Himachal Pradesh

Vinod Garg DIO Hamirpur

Manav Sampada eHRMS wins Smart Governance Award 2015

Skoch Smart

Skoch Smart

The Manav Sampada (Human Resource Management System) project of NIC has won the Skoch Smart Governance Award 2015 on 23rd September 2015. The Manav Sampada software has been developed as a product and has been implemented in the State of Himachal Pradesh. It is under implementation in the State of Jharkhand and being implemented in the National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi, some Departments of the States of Bihar and Maharashtra and being considered for implementation in Punjab/Chandigarh.

Skoch Smart

Skoch Smart

Dr. Shefali S Dash, DDG, Sh. IPS Sethi, Sr. TD, Sh. Ajay Singh Chahal, SIO, Himachal Pradesh, Sh. Sanjay Kumar, PSA, Sh. Sandeep Sood, PSA and Sh. Sanjay Thakur, SSA received the Award as well as the Order of Merit.

Skoch Smart

Skoch Smart

A total of 8 Projects of NIC Himachal Pradesh have received the Skoch Order of Merit on 22nd September 2015 in New Delhi during the Skoch Summit and these are:

Sr Project NIC Team
1 Manav Sampada (Human Resource Management System Sh. Sanjay Kumar, Sh. Vaibhav Aggarwal-NIC Hqrs, Sh. Amit Kanojia, Sh. Sarvjeet Kumar
2 HPTDC-Online Hotels Reservation System Sh. Sanjay Sharma, Sh. Sandeep Kumar, Sh. C.L. Kashyap, Smt Smriti Jain
3 JailVaarta-Prisoners VC based meetings with their Relatives Sh. Lalit Kapoor, Sh. Prithvi Raj Negi, Sh. Ashish Sharma, Sh. Shailender Kaushal
4 Swayamsidham-Online Teacher Student Portal Sh. Vijay Kumar Gupta, Sh. Daljeet Singh Rana, Sh. Mukesh Kumar
5 Electoral Rolls Management System of State Election Commission Sh. Sandeep Sood, Smt Vandana Dhiman, Sh. Parveen Sharma
6 Works MIS software of HP Irrigation & Public Health Department Sh. Sanjay Thakur, Sh. Vimal Kumar Sharma
7 Hot Dak Tracking System (HDTS) developed by NIC Hamirpur Sh. Vinod Kumar and Sh. Bhupinder Singh
8 Schemes Monitoring System developed by NIC Mandi Sh. Akhilesh Bharti & Sh. Ashwani Kumar

Order of Merit Photos…











The NIC HP Team has won a number of awards over the years for their best ICT initiatives and this has been possible with the active involvement of all NIC Himachal Pradesh officers at all levels.

Previous Awards Won by Himachal Pradesh

Year Conference Place Award Details
2017 21th National eGovernance Award Hyderabad Manav Sampada Software of NIC Awarded National eGovernance Gold Award for Rapid Replication
National eGovernance Gold Award for Online Rohtang Pass Permit Issuance System of District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
Paper Published in Compendium on e-Governance Best Practices-Study of Trend Setting Government Initiatives
52 CSI Nihilent Kolkata Award of Sustenance for Manav Sampada
Award of Recognition 2017 for MDM - ARMS
Technology Sabha Award Indore MDM - ARMS of NIC HP Gets Technology Sabha Award for Enterprise Solution
The Open Group Bengluru Award of Distinction on HP Public Service Commission Enterprise Architecture Framework
2016 20th National eGovernance Award Visakhapatnam Paper Published in Compendium on Cyber Security Policy for Digital India - Roadmap for Secure Cyber Space
      Paper Published in Compendium on Digital Transformation in Himachal Pradesh Transport Department: Reaching out to Last Mile Rural Population
  Digital India New Delhi Digital India Award 2016 to Mid Day Meal Mobile Application
  Skoch Awards Hyderabad Skoch Smart Governance Gold Award 2016 for Sarathi - Online Driving License System
2015 PC Quest Awards Hyderabad PCQuest Best IT Implementations of the Year 2015
19th National eGovernance Award Nagpur Gold Icon for Integrated Online Hotel Reservation System (iOHRS)
Paper Published in Compendium on eGovernance in India-Time to Transform and Make it Participative
Paper Published in Compendium on Decade of e-Governance in Himachal Pradesh Transport Department-Toward Digital India and Way Ahead
Digital India eGovernance Awards New Delhi Ranked 2nd in Best Performing States during the Digital India Week in the Country and received Digital India e-Governance Award
50th CSI Convention New Delhi CSI Nihilent Award of Excellence 2015 for HimKosh and HimBhoomi
Manthan Awards New Delhi Manthan Certificate of Recognition Award for Swayayamsidham Education Portal
Skoch Awards New Delhi Manav Sampada eHRMS wins Smart Governance Award 2015 and 8 Projects received the Skoch Order of Merit
2014 Manthan Award New Delhi Manthan Asia Pacific and South Asia 2014 Award for Jail Vaarta - Prisoner Video Conference with Relatives
  Skoch Awards New Delhi Skoch Orders of Merit Awards 2014 for 6 NIC Himachal Pradesh Projects
  18th National eGovernance Conference Gandhi Nager Paper Published in Compendium on Imapct of Industry Partnership in Service Delivery Channels of Land Records in Himachal Pradesh
2013 48th CSI Convention Visakhapatnam CSI Nihilent Award of Excellence 2013 for the Inter-operable Criminal Justice System
CSI Nihilent Award of Excellence 2013 for the State of Himachal Pradesh
  Manthan Award New Delhi Manthan Asia Pacific and South Asia 2013 Award for HimBhoomi - Integrated Land Records Computerisation of Himachal Pradesh
  17th National eGovernance Conference Kochi Paper Published in Compendium on E-Governance Vision to Reality of Faster Dispensation of Justice through Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System-A Case Study
2012 47th CSI Convention Kolkata CSI Award of Excellence in G2E Project Category: Manav Sampada
  16th National eGovernance Conference Jaipur Paper Published in Compendium on E-Governance Infrastructure-Status and Challenges Case Study in Himachal Pradesh
2010 1st Web Ratna National Conference Delhi Gold Icon: Citizen Centric Service Delivery: HP Police Portal
Gold Icon: Comprehensive Web Presence-State: HP Government Web-Portal
Gold Icon: NIC Coordinator for National Portal: Sh. Ajay Singh Chahal, Technical Director NIC Himachal Pradesh
2009 12th National eGovernance Conference Goa Bronze Icon: Professional Excellence for Government Process Reengineering: eGazette
Bronze Icon: Outstanding Performance in Citizen Centric Service Delivery: HP Police Portal
2007 10th National eGovernance Conference Bhopal Bronze Icon: Professional Excellence for Government Process Reengineering: Double Entry Accounting System
2006 9th National eGovernance Conference Kochi Golden Icon: Professional Excellence for Process Reengineering (New Entrant Category): HIMRIS
Golden Icon: Innovative Operations and Best Practices (Professional Category): ePension
2005 8th National eGovernance Conference Bhubneshwar Silver Icon: Professional Excellence for Process Reengineering (Professional Category): REFNIC
Golden Icon: Innovative Operations and Best Practices (New entrant category): eVikas
2003 7th National eGovernance Conference Chennai Bronze Icon: Exemplary eGovernance Initiative: LokMitra
2002 6th National eGovernance Conference Chandigarh Silver Icon: Best Website for eGovernance: